2023 NonprofitPRO Nonprofit Leadership Impact Study
Discover insights into the successes and struggles of today’s nonprofit leaders.
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Insights Into the Successes and Struggles of Today’s Nonprofit Leaders
As a nonprofit leader, you know better than anyone the challenges your organization faces when it comes to fulfilling your mission. The fifth edition of NonProfit PRO’s highly anticipated “Nonprofit Leadership Impact Study” highlights the struggles and successes of nonprofit organizations in the past year and what's to come for nonprofit leaders in the year ahead.
Access the report for insights on:
- How nonprofits are embracing technology and finding ways to overcome the hurdles that are preventing them from engaging donors;
- Ways nonprofits have started taking strategic planning seriously, with more aiming to target major donor gifts this year;
- How major gifts have taken the lead over direct mail for the top revenue-producing fundraising strategy;
- And more!
Download the full report today to help you navigate the challenges of the year ahead, and find new opportunities for growth and success.