Nonprofit Leadership and the Surprising Gift of Doubt
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Leadership is challenging in the best of times. Even more so now. What do you do when you don't know what the next steps are? How do you keep going and help your team keep going when doubt seems at the door? Could the doubt mean you're broken as a leader?
Leadership expert Marc A. Pitman says that doubt might mean you're on the verge of greatness! In this session, he'll show you why doubt is a normal part of leadership. And the surprising gift it can be - if you have the courage to use it.
In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn:
- Why being a nonprofit CEO is *not* like being a business leader
- How doubt can actually mean you're on the verge of significant leadership growth
- A framework you can use for yourself - and share with your team - for exploring that process
- And how knowing your own hardwiring can help grow your confidence and communicate more clearly with your team!