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Coffee Talk: Continuing COVID-19 Concerns in Scholarship Management

When schools shut down in March and everyone had to quickly pivot their scholarship processes, we never could have guessed the 2020 school year would start with just as much uncertainty. During this coffee talk, we hear about how your peers are engaging with their Foundation’s narrative. More than ever, our collective knowledge and hard-won experiences can enhance this corner of the philanthropic sector and support the students in all of our lives.

This discussion is around the following questions:

  • What was the result of last year?
  • What did you learn?
  • What continues to be a struggle?
  • How are you planning to move forward next year?

To continue the conversation from the session, check out the following discussions on Compass - Foundant's Community.

>>> Assessing Financial Need During a Pandemic

>>> Emergency Scholarship Funds

>>> Scholarship Providers Regional Collaborative


About the Author

Born and raised in Bakersfield, California, Alyse has deep roots and strong connections to the nonprofit sector. Having worked in the field of college access and scholarships for over 10 years, with a focus on students residing in California’s Central Valley, she believes in the power of scholarships to uplift students, families, and communities. Before joining Foundant, Alyse spent three years with the Kern Community Foundation managing their grant and scholarship giving, as well as nonprofit relationships. Alyse joined the Foundant team in 2017 as a Client Success Manager (trainer, consultant, and emergency support provider) for Grants and Scholarships. After training and advising hundreds of clients, she led the Community Foundation Grant/Scholarship Client Services Team. Her passion for community building, professional development, and real-world impact has helped form the service philosophy for Foundant’s Client Success team. Areas of expertise: scholarship and grant process best practices, team building, remote work, and demystifying complex systems to foster accessibility.

Profile Photo of Alyse Braaten