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The Logic Behind Logic Models

[2019 GPCI Logo]

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For your convenience, you can download the Logic Model Workbook here and the presentation slides here.

Inputs . . . Outputs . . . Outcomes . . . Goals . . . Logic Models: Everywhere you turn, grantseekers are talking about them while more and more funders -- private and public alike -- are requiring them as part of your grant application package. But what is a "Logic Model," anyway? How does it work? What are the key elements? How do they fit together?

This fast-paced session will give you the tools and concepts you need to build a solid Logic Model Process that not only supports successful grantseeking, but also the success of your program.

You'll discover:

  • A real-life "roadmap" to the key elements of a Logic Model … and how they fit together
  • How grantmakers use a “Logic Model” mindset to review your grant proposal
  • Logic Models in Action: Samples from a variety of community organizations

You’ll also receive an introduction to GrantsMagic U’s unique “Change Mapping” process – a simple and very powerful way to develop a high-level understanding of your organization’s unique contribution to the world – and what it will take to make it happen.

Transcript available upon request. email:

About the Author

Over her 25+ year career in the nonprofit world, Maryn has been an on-staff program developer and grant writer; an independent grants consultant; a grants project manager; a grants trainer; a grants reviewer, author, speaker, mentor and coach; and – yes – for the past 16 years, even a grantmaker. Grants Magic U, launched in fall 2015, is the “virtual academy” she created to make her extensive portfolio of practical and inspiring trainings on successful grantsmanship available (and affordable!) for anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Profile Photo of Maryn Boess