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Taking the Fear out of Federal Grants Management (Rachel Werner)

Many organizations are pursuing federal grant funding, but do not have a plan (or infrastructure) in place once the funds are received. What do organizations need to do now and in the long-term to become more grant ready and good stewards of public funding? We'll provide some tips to consider as grant funding is pursued.

Additional Resources

>>> Download the session slides here

>>> Download the GPCI Education Point Tracker for this event here

>>> Rachel has a variety of resources available on this topic and more. Please visit to learn more!

This event is brought to you by DH Leonard ConsultingGrant Professionals Association, and Foundant Technologies.

Don't let grants stress you out! The team at DH Leonard Consulting is here to support your organization's grant-seeking efforts whether through training, as short-term grant writing support, a facilitator for creating a new grant seeking strategy, or even through free action guides and resources on our website. You can find out more about our services by clicking here.

The Grant Professionals Association (GPA) is the only international membership association for all grant professionals seeking to continually improve their professional knowledge and skills in grant research, proposal development, and post-award grant management.

GrantHub, by Foundant Technologies, manages all of your funders, tasks, applications, reports, and important grant documents. Plus, it sends you email reminders for your application deadlines and report due dates. Register for one of our upcoming product or educational webinar and learn how you can win more grants!  See Upcoming Events >>>